Indigenous Certification Board of Canada
ICBOC is a national Indigenous professional certification body
that ensures the recognition and maintenance of indigenous workers occupations related to addictions and mental wellness
as well as in other unregulated fields.
What we offer
The Indigenous Certification Board of Canada grants professional certification to First Nations, Inuit and Metis practitioners working in addictions, mental wellness, community and family support and other non regulated allied occupations.
Program Accreditations
ICBOC accredits culturally competent, culturally safe education and training that match our certification standards and requirements, and that is developed and delivered by universities, colleges, training organizations and companies, training conferences, and independent trainers.
Education Training
ICBOC provides information on education and training programs available nationwide in the fields related to its certifications and offers personal guidance on the training needed to satisfy its certification standards and requirements.
Upcoming Events 2024
Past Events
Anual General Assembly Invitation
Annual General Assembly - January 24th, 2024 4:00 P.M. EST – 1:00 P.M. PST This will be a virtual event.
Grieving for Innocent Children
They were all children, who never had a chance, once they were snatched away from their families and passed the doors of these forbidding buildings, to defend themselves from the abuse they had to endure, without anyone to comfort them.
The Spring 2021 Virtual Trauma & Addictions Conference: Special Discount for ICBOC Participants
SPRING 2021 VIRTUAL CONFERENCE ON TRAUMA AND ADDICTION Jack Hirose and Associates Register for a unique opportunity to attend. Among the choice of topics and presenters, we recommend the trainings offered by two presenters well known in Indigenous networks: Dr. Gabor...
Introducing the ICBOC-Accredited Indigenous Educator’s Program
FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY! Introducing the ICBOC-Accredited Indigenous Educator’s Program! Have you ever thought of developing a program to preserve your culture, traditions or to help preserve your language? Have you ever been asked to train someone, mentor.
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